Eonon compatible with all of Eonon Android8.1/ 8.0/7.1 car radio.such as GA9173K GA9150B GA9198B GA9165A GA9180A GA9201A GA9173A GA9166A GA8151 GA8163US GA8201 GA8180 GA8150A GA8198 GA8164 GA8150A GA8201A GA2168K GA8200 GA9250B GA9251B GA9253B GA9263B GA9265B GA9298B GA9301B GA2175 GA2176 GA9351 GA9363 GA9350B GA9365. etc.
Read the generic and manufacturer-specific diagnostic fault codes, and display its definition(over 3000 trouble codes definition in the database)
Engine RPM,Calculated load value, Coolant temperature, Fuel system status, MPH speed, Short term fuel trim, Long term fuel trim, Intake manifold pressure,Timing advance,Intake air temperature,Air flow rate,Throttle opening,Oxygen sensor voltages/associated short term fuel trim,Fuel pressure
Please install Torque app on the Android head unit before using it (Go directly to the Google Store to download the Torque app)
Accessories: OBD-ll Diagnostic Tool *1
Read the generic and manufacturer-specific diagnostic fault codes, and display its definition(over 3000 trouble codes definition in the database)
Engine RPM,Calculated load value, Coolant temperature, Fuel system status, MPH speed, Short term fuel trim, Long term fuel trim, Intake manifold pressure,Timing advance,Intake air temperature,Air flow rate,Throttle opening,Oxygen sensor voltages/associated short term fuel trim,Fuel pressure
Please install Torque app on the Android head unit before using it (Go directly to the Google Store to download the Torque app)
Accessories: OBD-ll Diagnostic Tool *1